There’s a reason Exchange Bank has been around for 125 years. It’s the people. They’re smart, friendly, and even kinda fun. It's important that their advertising feels that way.
That's why none of the following work is mean, and a big reason why we’ve been able to make work recognized by The Radio Mercury Awards, Lürzers Archive, and the Addys.
Exchange Bank has the values of a small bank, with all the capabilities of a big bank. It's the oxymoron of banks. So we made an oxymoronic spot about it.
Exchange Bank has several locations clustered along the 101 freeway. Along that same stretch of road, there's a very large and visible out-of-home unit. Its name is Bill Board, and yes, they let us run all of these.
One of the joys of working with Exchange Bank is being able to contribute to their community efforts. This was a labor of love–a series of ads created in response to the Sonoma Country fires of 2017, and Exchange Bank’s rebuilding efforts.
2018 Radio Mercury Winner
2019 SF ADDY
ACD Phil Fattore
JR. CW Dominic Johns
JR. AD Taylor Dahl
JR. CW Christian Zerbel
JR. AD Caylee Riding
D Claudia Solis
SR. CW Jake Reilly
CD/ECD Todd Eisner
ECD Jamie Barrett